RTI ACT-2005


Some information related to the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005:
  • The purpose of the RTI Act is to empower the citizens, bring transparency in the working of the government, prevent corruption and make democracy truly functional.   
  • Under the RTI Act, information can be sought from a public authority.   
  • There is no fixed format for RTI application. It can be written on plain paper.   
  • The language of the application can be Hindi, English or the local language of the region.   
  • Information has to be given within 30 days of applying.   
  • In cases involving life or liberty, information must be given within 48 hours.   
  • If the application is rejected or the solution is inadequate, the applicant can appeal the PIO’s decision.   
  • Under the RTI Act, the public authority is not responsible for creating information, interpreting information, resolving applicants' problems or answering hypothetical questions.   
  • Under the RTI Act, only information can be accessed which is already available with the public authority.